1.桃形百分表主体 Peach shaped mechanical body.
2.机芯内部具有防震装置,能较好地避免使用中冲击对机芯带来的伤害 With shock-proof structure inside,perfect protecting inside structure from any shock damage.
3.机芯主要部件采用优质不锈钢和铜材制造,使其具有良好的防腐蚀性能 Inside structure is mainly made of stainless steel and copper,that helps indicator to resist any corrosion.
4.各轴承采用宝石轴承,保证产品具有良好的灵敏性 Jeweled bearings inside guarantee perfect sensitivity of indicator.
5.带表圈紧固装置,保证使用过程的读数可靠性 With dial locking screw.
6.带公差指示器 With adjustable tolerance markers.
7.防尘帽有开式、半开式、闭式三种形式可选,其中半开式为通用款式 There are three types of anti-dirty screws:open type,semi-open type,and closed type.Among them the semi-open type is the standard type.