1.机械比较仪与弓形尺架一体化设计,测砧可回退,测量力稳定 It has been designed to intergrate the mechanical comparator and arched frame.The anvil can be retreated,the measuring force is constant.
2.可方便用于快速检测零件(轴径、长度、厚度等)尺寸的精确测量 Easy and fast to check precisely sized as diameter,length and thickness.
3.镀铬或喷塑钢制尺架,带隔热护板,具有极高的稳定性 High stability with chrome plated or painted steel frame and heat isolation protection.
4.测量面为硬质合金 Carbide measuring faces.
5.测杆和测砧由优质钢制成,整体硬化处理 Spindle and anvil is made of hardened high quality steel.
6.高精度,大量程的机械比较仪指示更方便使用 Easy to use with precise and wide range mechanical comparator.