
1.采用绝对编码传感器的新一代数显卡尺 New generation digital caliper with ABSOLUTE coding sensor.
2.大液晶显示屏,带数据输出口 Big LCD screen,with data output interface.
3.无论何时开机,屏幕都会显示副尺当前位置,以便随时进行测量,无需反复清零 Whenever switch on,the LCD will display the slider's current position.It's ready for measurement any time.No need to set zero again.
4.尺框快速移动不出错 No error when the slider moves at high speed.
5.具有外测量、内测量、台阶测量及深度测量功能 Can measure OD,ID,steps and depth.
6.带电源开关 Manual power on/off.
7.mm/in任意位置公英制转换 Metric/Inch system conversion at any position.
8.ORIGIN:原点设置键 ORIGIN:Origin setting.
9.ABS/0:绝对测量/相对测量转换键,可任意位置清零(INC测量)或返回绝对原点(ABS)坐标位置 ABS/0:Absolute/Relative measurement conversion.Zero setting at any position(INC measurement),or back to absolut(ABS) coordinate position.